In this article, we’ll take a look at the summary of Sir Roger at Church. Sir Roger, was a knight who was born into a noble family in the 12th century. We’ll see how he rose to prominence in the church, and how his faith led him to a life of service. We’ll also see how his work for the church led to him becoming one of the most respected knights of his time. We have divided the summary into three parts. So, let’s enjoy the summary.
The sketch of “Sir Roger at Church”
The first part of the Summary
Sir Roger is a genuine lover of religion. he is a regular churchgoer. He always encourages others to come to the church. His mind is set on religious purposes and he does a lot of jobs for religion. He decorated and beautified the inside of the church with several texts of his own choice. He bears all the expenses for the decoration to encourage the parishioners. He wants them to come to the church enthusiastically. He has also given a handsome cloth for the pulpit and railed in the communion table at his expense. When Sir Roger starts the sermon, it is natural that everyone will utter the word ‘amen’ one time at the end of the prayer. But Sir Roger says ‘amen’ three or four times. It also shows his love for God.
The second part of Sir Roger at Church Summary
Sir Roger is an accomplished organizer. When Sir Roger Comes to his estate, his parishioners are seen as irregular churchgoers. As he is a religious-minded and skilled man, he cannot tolerate their indifference to the church. He wants them to make regular churchgoers. Out of his love for his religion, he gives every one of the parishioners a hassock and a common prayer book to make them religious-minded people. He wants everyone to attend the congregation in the church. He also employs an itinerant signing master to instruct the parishioners rightly in the tunes of the psalms. All these things suggest that Sir Roger is an experienced and skilled organizer who can take any humanitarian action for the church.
Sir Roger is a man of humanity and possesses a large heart. Moreover, he is a mild person. He loves the people who live around him. In the essay, Sir Roger at Church, anyone’s close relation is absent in the church, he enquires him or her about the health of the particular relatives. He gets restless to know the condition of the relatives who do not come to church. He believes that everyone must come to church every day. When someone is missing, Sir Roger tries to know their condition.
And the final part of Sir Roger at Church Summary
Sir Roger possesses an authoritative power in the church. When the sermon in the church is finished, nobody dares to leave the church before him. It is Sir Roger who leaves the church first. He passes between a double row of his tenants. When he makes his leave the church, the parishioners start to leave the church. Again, he sometimes sleeps in the church but never allows anyone to sleep. The authoritative power makes the readers laugh a bit.
In short, Sir Roger has some eccentricities in his character. He seems to be an eccentric character when he calls out John Mathews in the middle of the service. John Mathews generally feels bored by the service. To remove his boredom, he often knocks his heels on the ground. It makes a little sound. Sir Roger seeing this forbids him to do that because it disturbs the parishioners. But the ridiculous thing is that Sir Roger himself disturbs the parishioners by calling Mathews loudly in the middle of the service. Thus, the ridiculous thing about Sir Roger makes the readers laugh a lot.